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Burke Primary Care New Website

Burke Primary Care website
VanNoppen built Burke Primary Care a third generation website loaded with features like live chat, patient portal, prescription refills, online appointments, pay your bill and more.


  • Live chat
  • Patient Portal
  • Online appointments and refill requests

Design Features

  • Custom graphics for divisions and services
  • Sticky note for latest news 
  • Live Chat feature.

Back-End Features

  • Secure Patient login system
  • Safe and reliable Amazon AWS hosting
  • Redundant Navigation for Improved User Experience 

Patient Portal

Patients can securely login to a password protected portal and view personal information, including prescription refills, appointments and other communication. 

Burke Primary Care website patient login

Refill Requests

Burke Primary Care is commited to making things easier for patients in the complicated world of healthcare. VanNoppen Marketing designed a safe, confidential and easy way for patients to request refills online.

Burke Primary Care website refills

Online Appointments

A custom-designed, safe and secure on-line integrated form make appointment requests easier. Patients can securely log in and quickly fill out a simple form specifying their provider and reason for a visit.

Burke Primary Care website online appointments

Provider Information

Burke Primary Care's roster of care providers continues to grow. The practice's website features several methods to showcase the provider's credentials and qualifications. Notice that the provider photos are authentic, taken on site. 

Burke Primary Care website providers blocks


VanNoppen Marketing designed an easy-to-read layout to showcase Burke Primary Care's services. Navigation buttons take visitors directly to the service of choice. 

Burke Primary Care website service blocks

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