June 21, 2017

VanNoppen Marketing Retained as Creative Partner for Workforce Initiative

Work in Burke
2 min read

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BURKE COUNTY, N.C. (June 21, 2017) - VanNoppen Marketing, LLC has been retained by Burke Development, Inc. as the creative partner for Phase II of a countywide workforce initiative in Burke County. The initial focus of this effort will be the creation of a new website and content to raise the awareness concerning career opportunities that are available in the community and the training needed to qualify for these positions.


VanNoppen was selected because of their familiarity with the community, their proven ability to create collaborative Web- and Internet-marketing campaigns and their ability to work closely with the many partners involved in the project. The primary partners include several local employers: Leviton, Valdese Weavers, Carolinas Healthcare System Blue Ridge, Continental Corporation, E. J. Victor and Kellex along with Western Piedmont Community College, Burke County Schools, Burke Development, Inc., Western Piedmont Workforce Development Board and others.

 Work in Burke

The work on Phase II will begin with the creation of a new website, the development of a social media campaign, and video content about ten of the county's largest employers focusing on their unique qualities and on jobs that are available within these industries.


This will start to respond to the issues that were uncovered in Phase I of the project, which indicated that there are many jobs going unfilled at the current time and citizens are unaware of the opportunities that exist. This is occurring in spite of Western Piedmont Community College increasing the number of training programs and offerings in the community. The plan calls for a long-term focus on this issue, for a period of five years or more, with the initial target being middle and high school students and their parents.


About VanNoppen Marketing:

VanNoppen Marketing, LLC (VNM) was founded in Morganton NC in 2001 as a marketing partner and consultant to businesses seeking to elevate marketing-, brand awareness-, and public relations-related endeavors. In the course of 15 successful years VNM has evolved from a single operator into an established, award-winning, full-service strategic marketing practice offering a deep spectrum of services to businesses, governments and professionals across the United States. These services include, but are not limited to: Branding; Graphic Design; robust Internet-based Marketing (website design and development, social media management; eBlasts; news syndication); Public Relations; Media Relations; Advertising; Strategic Marketing Development; Community Integration, and more.


About BDI:

Burke Development, Inc. (BDI) is a nonprofit organization supported by private and public funding that is charged with accelerating economic growth in Burke County. BDI works with industry leaders, site selection consultants, government agencies and other entities to facilitate expansion strategies for existing businesses and recruit target industries to Burke County. Learn more about BDI: www.BurkeDevInc.com.



Alan Wood


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