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Dec. 9, 2010

Wild Wild Web – No Rest for the Weary

Learn about Upstairs, VanNoppen Marketing's custom website development package.
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There was no rest in 2011 for the Web development team at VanNoppen Marketing. We don’t expect to get any next year either. That's fine with us.Our body of Web development and renovation work this year included projects for doctors, lawyers, retailers, consultants, writers, therapists, developers, mechanics, artists, charities, inns, municipalities, teachers, actors and athletes.It was a busy year. We created, launched, hosted and maintained several dozen successful new Web development projects in 2011. The added work to our Web portfolio brings the count of Sites we manage and maintain close to triple digits. Which is impressive for our modest shop.We are very proud of the work and of the fine clients who entrusted us with their Websites. More importantly, our Web clients are delighted, too.Some projects were simple, straightforward Websites. Others were robust, optimized Sites fed by extensive back-end databases. Most were integrated with other Internet feeds and enhanced with Blogs, Facebook pages, LinkedIn subscriptions and other social networks.

We used a hybrid of talent to accomplish the Web work. Utilizing in-house Web programming and design skills, coupled with extensive and competent free-lance specialists from across the country, we met the diversified expectations of a broad spectrum of clients. You want it plain and simple? Fine, we got it. Want it complicated and graphically rich? No problem. Loaded with Search Engine Optimization and integrated with a plethora of Web tools and apps? Got that, too.And significantly, many of our Web projects, especially those in the last half of the year, were designed following a mandate to function on iPads, smart phones and emerging portable Web browsers. We keep pace with technology.Since 2001, we’ve continually proven that we are a superior one-stop destination for smart, effective and impressive marketing and communication needs. This year was no exception. It was our best Web year. Based on the backlog, 2011 will be even better.

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