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Oct. 19, 2009

European and Sports Car Driving Tour

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1 min read

When the Exploring Joara Foundation came to us with the challenge of promoting its European and Sports Car Driving Tour, we recommended a tour book for participants. The book would introduce the tour to prospective drivers and would be a reference during the driving tour for maps, points of interest and general information.It was to be a guide book of sorts. A keeper. It needed to be designed and produced in a manner that reflected the caliber of the cars, the drivers and the event itself while sticking to a budget. Funding for the book would be through paid advertisements from regional businesses.With the help of OS Associates, volunteers collected information used as content. We worked closely with OS Associates to design, layout and produce the Tour Book. Custom artwork was commissioned for the cover. Custom illustrated driving maps, complete with navigational aids and stopping points, were developed. Ads were procured.The Exploring Joara Driving Tour is a fund-raising event for the Exploring Joara Foundation. The Foundation is a not-for-profit organization committed to public archaeology and the study of Native American and Spanish settlements in the upper Catawba and Yakin river valleys between 1450 and 1700. We are very proud of our association with Joara.

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